Eco Friendly     Cushion Soft      Single Use      Clean        Energy Efficient      Upsell to your clients  Â
  Cushion Soft Face Towels 50x per boxÂ
Did you know regular flannel and face towels collect bacteria after every contact with your skin.
Meaning, you must use new face towel after every face wash. Not very energy efficient?!
Single use cushion towels are not only cheaper for you, but also a lot cleaner and sterile for your clients skin
In-dependentSkin Cushion Soft face towels are perfect for use in your business, offering
- Clean Facial experience to your clients
- Avoiding a chance of breakouts for your clients because towels have been in contact with dirt in between your washing machine and clients face
- You no longer need to take towels home for a wash and then carry them back to your business (more chance of picking up dirt in between)
- Fragrance free, meaning its suitable for all skin types. Even your face towels will have particals of detergent, leading to a possibility of a sensitive skin breakout for your clients
- Single use towels are not only cheaper for you, but also a lot cleaner and sterile for your clients skin
Cut your costs. Stop buying towels which loose it’s softness. Stop using towels that have been used on many clients prior.
Save on electricity and detergents on washing towels at 90 degrees and then worry if all of bacteria has been removed before next client has the same towel on their face.
Stop storing towels were they are gathering dirt and dust, and then applying it on your clients faces.
USE Single use cushion soft towels by IN-dependentSkin and be sure that your client will not get any irritations after your facials.
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